Day 4 - You are doing great!

Hello again,

Four days of workouts down? You're crushing it! 💪 If you've been keeping up, you're well on your way to building strong habits and feeling amazing.

Even if you missed a day or two, no worries! Just jump back in where you left off. Remember, consistency is key, but don't beat yourself up if you stumble.

Day 4 - EMOM 15

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes complete:

- Broken Down Burpees

- 5 Hand Release Push-ups

- 5 Burpee Transitions (top of push-up position to squat position)

- 5 Jump Squats

> Here's a video of the broken down burpee

And then complete:

- MAF 30

For 30 mins maintain your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (180 bpm minus your age) and nothing higher. Complete one of the following:

Run, Walk, Ride, Swim or Yoga

Preferably complete this outdoors.

Day 4 done! Feeling stronger? Ready for more? Join The HABITS ACADEMY for even more guidance and support. Learn more.

Let's keep the momentum going! See you tomorrow for Day 5.

Take care,
