Day 3 of 6 - MAF 30

Hey 👋

How's the sweat sesh going? Feeling good? I know you are! 😉

Let's crush this Day 3 workout. Remember, every drop of sweat brings you closer to your goals. 

Day 3 - MAF 30

For 30 mins maintain your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (180 bpm minus your age) and nothing higher. Complete one of the following:

Run, Walk, Ride, Swim or Yoga.

Preferably complete this outdoors. Watch the video here


Your total session should not exceed your MAF. If your heart spikes throughout do not worry, just slow down and bring your heart rate back down. Once again if you don't have a HR monitor, Being able to maintain a conversation will keep you under your MAF.

Want to take it to the next level? Our 66-day fitness journey is packed with workouts, tips, and motivation to help you build lasting habits.

And if you're ready to transform your life completely, join The HABITS ACADEMY for personalized guidance and support.

See you tomorrow for Day 4! Let's keep the momentum going.

